At Liberty:
Be able to engage horse with an invite/greeting, respectfully
Walk all the way around the horse, touching (scratching or brushing ) including the rear, legs, tail, both
Disengage the rear end – move the horse away from you-
Or do a send
Request a follow -Draw
Get the horses attention if not focused on you
Give a carrot, apple or other treat gently
Give a treat with a stretch – horse keeps feet still
With Line:
Place a halter or lead around neck with horse lowering head OR offering no resistance (OK to use a stool
and have assist if younger/inexperienced)
On a loose lead – walk straight, turn both directions
walk over something
move horse to side
have horse stand still
walk to back of horse avoiding lifting lead and turning so the horse stays still
Position horse next to log, trailer (or other object) that you might use to mount or to see their back-
Do both sides
Lean on horses back
Learn With Horses 2021
Lisa Gurian